$1 million Annual Revenue Roadmap
The 5 Secrets to Creating a $1 million Wealth business
The Chairman’s Council | Master Advisor Series
Whether you are starting out as a new advisor or have been doing this for a while, chances are you’ve got your eyes set on getting your annual revenues up to $1 million and greater. The good news is that this is definitely achievable, not at all easy, but it can be attained. The most successful financial advisors often take a different route to make their million dollar payouts, they tend to be great business managers and good dealmakers. Further, in most cases the largest practices are built in one of two ways:
old fashioned unstoppable marketing or
tactfully consolidating many books of businesses over time.
The top advisors at your firm would all probably outline these five factors as the key to creating a massive business:
Ruthless Marketing
Don’t be Scared by the Numbers, it’s Hard Work
Build a Niche Business
Differentiate Differentiate Differentiate
Leverage Your Network