Over the my career, I’ve found that some of the most successful Advisors within my circle share an interesting attribute, they are introverts and sometimes reclusive. Unlike the big personalities in our industry, these individuals tend to shy away from the spotlight, to others they may appear to be modest, however, in reality they are constantly in doubt of their own contributions to the success they’ve achieved.
Rather than linking success to their competencies, abilities, intelligence, qualifications, talent, skill, capabilities, knowledge etc., they often credit personal success to - “just luck” or “being at the right place at the right time”
I’ve realized that modesty is sometimes confused with self doubt, many of these individuals miscalculate their value and capabilities. Despite achieving success, at some point in their career, they struggle to quantify their values and constantly try to measure their abilities against others who may simple be better talkers, salespeople, or b…