An Acquirer’s Dilemma or a Lucrative Fortune?
Part 1 - The Art of AUM Monetization and Acquisitions.
This is Part 1 in a series that expands on to our most popular post to date - The Art of AUM Monetization and Acquisitions.
In this post I dive into on some misguided perceptions around Acquisitions of AUM that discourage some Advisors from pursuing these transactions. My experience is that Acquisition it can be risky for the inexperienced Advisor, this therefore creates fertile ground for established Advisors.
Fortunes or Dilemma
An opportunity to Acquire a carve-out AUM package from another Advisors can be a real game changer for many emerging Advisors, that is, when done right. On the other hand, for the uninitiated these transactions can be both complex and risky. Overcoming the predominant impediments* to success with Carve-outs requires critical due diligence, patience, discipline and a level headed approach.
Impediments - something that makes progress, movement, or achieving something difficult or impossible.
The prospect to substantially increase your AUM by successfully comp…